ALBANY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT: $700,000 Fire Sprinkler Protection System installation for the entire new 260,000 Sq. Ft. self-contained terminal complex.
OD HECK DEVELOPMENT CENTER: $300,000 Complete design and installation of an Automatic Fire Detection and Clean Agent Extinguishing System for the ISS Main Frame Computer Data Center.
STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT NEW PALTZ: $2,100,000 Fire Protection contract in which Condor was responsible for asbestos abatement, fire alarm, fire sprinkler piping, painting and soffit installation in (3) occupied college dormitories consisting of 160+/- residence rooms, working around furniture, belongings, etc. This work was performed over two summer break vacations and the schedule dictated that the work being performed under our contract HAD to be complete on the dates specified. The job was completed successfully on time and within the owner’s budget.
CLINTON COUNTY NURSING HOME – 75 bed: $300,000 Fire Sprinkler project whereby Condor Fire Sprinkler was responsible to remove existing ceilings throughout an occupied facility and install a sprinkler system where none had previously existed, and install new ceilings where previous ceilings were removed. All work was performed without disruption to ongoing operations.
ELLIS HOSPITAL: Skilled Nursing Facility Renovation & Relocation: $500,000 Contract where Condor Fire Sprinkler furnished, installed and expanded fire sprinkler system within an occupied, working major hospital.
ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY JAIL: $600,000 Fire Sprinkler Contract to furnish and install a complete new fire sprinkler system in a brand new, ground-up prison facility. Liquidated damages on the project were $3,000/day. Job was completed ahead of schedule and no liquidated damages were assessed.
$500,000 Contract where Condor Fire Sprinkler furnished installed and expanded fire sprinkler within an occupied, working major hospital.